A Voice In My Head Tells Me I'm Becoming Dead Inside: 12:03 a.m., 2004-12-21.
writer: Michelle

Alright, so...I'm going to muse on being dead inside.

I am always very concerned about the aforementioned condition (being dead inside), and subsequently I arrive at the conclusion that I am, indeed, not dead inside because I still contain the capacity to worry, and worry indicates that inside I am not dead completely. As of a few moments ago though, I realized that I would really not care if I were dead inside because then my morality would be gone, and I would kiss girls and become an alcoholic, which for some reason seems appealing. The fact that it seems appealing though throws a wrench into my being dead inside. I want to be dead inside because I think it would be nice, but if I became dead inside, I wouldn't realize it was nice.

It's sort of like being an unstable individual, but knowing you are unstable. If you know you are unstable then you obviously have at least a small bit of stability.

I feel like this was a load of crap, so I am currently not dead inside. I will be sure to keep you updated on my condition. Fascinating? Mmmmyes, I think so.

edit by katie: paragraph breaks > line breaks. also, we are generally not goth girls. ♥ to michelle.

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