army sentences murderer: 8:51 p.m., 2005-01-08.
writer: john

A soldier pushed two Iraqi's into the Tigris river in December 2003, and one of them drowned. The martial courts just reached a decision on sentencing this man.

He was convicted of only two accounts of aggravated assault, assault consummated by battery, and obstruction of justice. He was acquitted of involuntary manslaughter. What...the...fuck?!

He caused a man to die, and of course since it was an Iraqi, noone really cares. Oops, a 19 year old Iraq man is dead. Too bad. We'll send a gift basket. Oh, and the best part?

Perkins, the soldier, is getting a whopping six-month term in prison, and was demoted slightly. He was not even discharged from the marines. So, he can be back out in the desert soon with his fuck wit buddies, thinking it's funny to push Iraqi citizens into fast-moving waters because...well, because we are Americans, that's why. We can come to your country and kill you, with almost no repercussions!

I love this country. Don't you?

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