Make sheep extinct: 3:22 a.m., 2005-02-09.
writer: john

I can't stand people who act like they are intelligent and speak on a subject when they know nothing about it. You know, like some people who talk about something you know nothing about, and they know you are clueless, so they just make things up or say something that's absolutely unsubstantiated.

Like politicians, for example. Most people are uneducated and simply believe what they are told. Take Social Security since it's been a big issue. It has been painted black and white that we have to do something about it, and our administration has a plan, so it must be good. The people will obviously support it because only the vaguest details have been hinted at, but hot damn, it'll sure work now won't it?

Every single political issue is like this...a main, idealistic view on a problem that is promised to be solved. How is another question, but that doesn't matter to the common man. This, incidentally, applies to all politicians, because I'll be damned if Kerry ever explained his healthcare plan, even though if you looked it up it was pretty sound.

So, the commoner supports something that they think helps them, but could end up biting them in the ass. Like voting for the high 'moral values' of George Bush. Sure, he might not want queers to marry and he is quick to the trigger, but I hope the middle class realizes that his tax breaks are for corporations. Supply-side economics, if you will. More money in the pockets of the rich, to make better business decisions, to stimulate the economy. For the rich. Trickle down economics, if you need another term.

Yes, Joe Schmoe, you voted for the man that will raise your taxes. The other guy, the one who will make corporations accountable and give you some relief, well, he's a flip-flopper, as was broadcast in a broad, sweeping fashion across the media. He must be bad, even though his plans would benefit you the most. You better not vote for him.

My point is, this has to stop. The american public is being treated like they are stupid, which, in my opinion, they are acting like. Wise up! Understand these issues! Understand that to reform and privatize social security it will call for trillions of dollars in loans from other countries. Understand that though Bush wishes to cut the deficit in half, he caused the entire deficit because of his asinine tax-refund and that little war thing in the first place. Hold these people accountable.

Don't be ruled by fear and stupidity. Please, please, let's stop being sheep herded by malicious coyotes with their own agendas.

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