Someone Shoot Me Because It's Apparently What I Deserve: 10:17 p.m., 2005-04-13.
writer: Michelle

First, you must read this.
Duke University, I have a friend there. She's good people for the most least I think she means well most of the time, and these people will be outside of her dorm. It made her sad.

Ah. I, for one, certainly love when people use Christianity as a crutch for their hatred, and an excuse to be assholes.

Let's all take a short moment, shall we, and reflect on Christianity?
Who founded it? Jesus.
Is anyone familiar with the so-called "Golden Rule"? How does it go? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Who said it? Jesus.
What's it mean? Don't be an asshole unless you like it when people are assholes to you.
Is anyone familiar with the prostitute, Mary Magdelene? The one that a bunch of men wanted to stone to death? Of course.
What happened? Jesus stopped them.
Why? "Let he who hath not sinned cast the first stone." Is what He said...because we're mortals...we're fallible, and EVERYONE sins, so no one has any right to condemn anyone else.
Did Jesus turn people away? No.
Did Jesus say that hatred was ok? Hell no.

Disgusting hypocrites. Some people are a disgrace to Christianity...well, a lot of people are. Humans. Bunches of humans. God's creation. They're trying to put themselves on the same level as God, and pretend they know right from wrong, when it's up to God to make that decision. Then they use God's name as they do it. Sounds like blasphemy to me.

I don't know if I'm going to "Hell" or not. I'm totally gay, but you'd never know it by looking at me. Yes, homosexuality is clearly stated as a sin in the Old Testament, but so is eating pork and shellfish, wearing two different fabrics at once, killing, lying, stealing, loaning money, etc. etc. But slavery is ok, as well as women being completely subordinate to men.
The Bible was written by mortals...those lovely fallible mortals. Let's leave the judgement up to God, mmmmkay?

Forgive them for they know not what they do. - Jesus

Point made.

edit by katie: i defy anyone to argue with this. people seriously subject the bible to interpretation a little too much, you know. the passage in the bible most commonly used to argue that god really does hate fags is, in fact, not at all addressing homosexuality in the slightest, but is, as you will see when you read, evidence that god actually hates straight people. or at least he hates straight people who absolutely must procreate. incest and all that. bwahaha. fuck straight people. ♥

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